Thursday, October 18, 2012

Amali Masakan Prasekolah PISMP Sem 2 (2012)..

ssh owh..
dh lh xmahir masak..
siapa ckp jd cikgu prasekolah senang??
siapa ckp??
bnyk keja kot kena bt...
salah satu daripadanya ialah memasak..
bila sampai tarikh nak wat amali..
mula lh tergesa2 nak cari menu yg sesuai....
siap2 blaja memasak lagi..
sampai ada org tanya
kmu ni nak jd cikgu ke nak jd tukang masak...
sy hanya mampu tersenyum je mendengar kata2 itu..:P

sy sgt bertuah sbb dpt pasangan yg mahir masak...
my partner ---> LIZAH
nasib baik dia ada..

menu kmi??
sandwich Upin Ipin..
walaupun xnmpk cm upin dan ipin...
tp sedap gak lh..
wanna join us

sandwich kmi

lets do it

finally we did it..:)

chef Alice

bhn2 sndwich

our lecture

Monday, October 15, 2012


the story of the day..
hr ni...
last exam for UAK..
last paper..."MATH"...
ssh lh jg soalan dia..
sy hnya mampu menjawab seada nya sahaja...

abaikan kisah tue...

semua org tahu 29 SEPTEMBER 1992..
a lovely n sweety princess was born..
its my birthday...

bday girl mestilh kena hapy kn??
tp for this tme im so sad??
u knw why???
coz dia lmbt  wish bday sy...
last year..
dia yg 1st...
siap2 nyanyi lg...
dis year..
xda pon...
 tp 8lest dia ingt jg lh...

29 september...
tarikh ni mesti ada ujian amali..
sem ni nasib baik tarikh ni hari sabtu...
kalau x..
kenalah berb'day sambil beramali..

dear someone...
tq for everything...
i love it...

love letter from him.. for me from him...hehe

so sweet...dia bt utk sy...i love it

tq for mke me so special to u..

toy from him

dia minat MU....baju ke 2 yg dia bg kt sy,...hehe

ini lh hadiah yg paling bmkna bt sy thn ni...hehhe..tq sulu..

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

dear someone...

I'm still the same...
I'm still In Love with you..
I'm still here...
Waiting for You...
I don't know your reasons..
I don't know why you walked...
away from me...
All I can say Is I still Love You...
I'm still the same...
The same sweet mean..
That you had the chance to Love...
I still keep you In my heart


Love Is Not A Joke,
Love Is Not A Game,
Once You Fall In Love,
You Will Never Be The Same

Love Is Never-Ending,
Love Is Never Wrong,
Love Can Make You Weak,
Love Can Make You Strong

Love Is More Than Words,
Love Is More Than Giving,
Love Can Make You Cry,
Love Can Make You Sing

Love Is Always True,
Love Is Always Kind,
Love Is Something That Happens,
Not Something That You Find

Love Is A Feeling,
That Grows Within Your Heart,
Love Has The Power,
To Tear Your World Apart...♥♥
I Love You Forever....♥♥

Long Live Love And Lovers...♥♥

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness

Let’s think from beginning of our life
The first day when we’re born in the world
and think up to our last day in this world…

Our life begins with our crying…
and end with people crying around us..

From childhood our parents start teaching us to live happy life…
and our mission of finding happiness start around the age of 7- 9…

We keep on struggling through out…
Only to live happy life like others..
Only to have good people around us…
Only to have everything that others have..

In the race of life…
We face different situations..
We suffer from different problems…
We start thinking life is just like a game…

Time goes on..
We just keep on struggling…
For achieving everything that others have…
We try to find happiness..
By comparing ourselves with others…

When we become old and feeble..
We realize that..
Happiness we were searching for…
That was all around us…
But we couldn’t focus on it…

On that time we are..
At the last stage of our life…
At that time we realize…
That its too late to go back and live happy life…

If you want to live happy life..
Enjoy every moment of life..
Don’t wait for any right moment…
Make every moment right by yourself..

Rather than finding happiness…
In any other source..
Start finding it in yourself

Friday, September 14, 2012

hapy bday my lovely mommy...

hr ni..
14 September
hari jadi mak sy...
tq lord....
u give me a lovely mom....
sedih sgt xdpt celebrate bday mak sy...
hadiah pon xda...
btw kami adik bradik dh rancang dh hr tue bg hadiah awal..
tp xpasti dh sampai ke tidak...
sbb tme tue pjbt pos cuti sempena hari raya...
nak tahu hadiah apa bg kt mak???

dedikasi khas utk mak...
terima kasih sbb sudi besarkan kami,,...
jaga kami sepenuh hati..
berikan kami sepenuh kasih sayang yang tidak berbelah bagi...
maafkan kami anak-anakmu yang selalu menyakitimu...
love u till d end mom....

P/s mak jampat2 gerai aok...plai cuti ila aik jga mak aok..:)

ur lovely daughter, 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How to keep our love alive throughout our life ♥

How to keep our love alive throughout our life ♥

We try to find perfect love for ourselves and in this search we come to meet different people having different ideas and thoughts. Then a person comes in our life that we consider is the bes

t one. We think he will make our life perfect and keep us happy forever. We fall in love with each other. Day by day relationship gets stronger and stronger. Actually this is the time when we start understanding each other.

With the passage of time we start expecting lots of thing from them to do for us. We expect that our loved one can do everything for us but when they fail to do anything we get hurt like hell and here the time comes when misunderstandings start growing. We start feeling minor things and take notice of every little thing. It becomes difficult to ignore and bear the mistakes. Eventually we start forgetting all the good moments of life that we spent together. That’s how relationships become weak with the passage of time and the love is lost somewhere and compromise takes place of it.

For keeping a healthy relationship, we should avoid the little things. We should ignore each others’ mistakes. We should try our best to live happy life, full of love and fun. Expectations always hurt. We must be realistic. We must accept our partner as it is. One should avoid comparing one’s partner with others. Try to avoid speaking when one is in anger. Above all one should be positive.

There must be mutual understanding. Mutual understanding will help to keep caring attitude towards each other. One should understand the responsibilities and busy schedules of each other but regardless of busy routine one must find time for each other. One must understand mood of each other.

Don't let your love grow cold. Keep your love alive.

A Speechless Message With Deep Feelings

A Speechless Message With Deep Feelings

" Both Are Quiet But Have Hundreds Of Things
Running In The Mind.. "

Both Are Missing Each other Badly But Want The Other
One To Initiate The Conversation..

Both Want To Be With Each other, To Fight, To Argue,
To Show Love, But Would Pretend That They Are Fine

Without Each other..

Both Want To Meet Each other, But Will Not Say
Anything And Wait Silently..

They Would Send Each other Silly Msgs But Would Not
Tell That 'Stupid I am Missing U' "..

This Is Love..

Sometimes We Miss Out On Most Loveable Moments
Just Because We Want The Other One To Take The
First Step.

Showing Love Might Improve The Situation But
Showing Ego Definately Ruins It ...

Rain of Love

Love is Endless ♥

Love is Endless ♥

Love is the only word which spread happiness…
Love is the only answer to any sort of fear…

Love brings light to darkness…
Love brings peace to our life…
Love brings fun to our life…

Love can melt the hardest heart..
Love can make a person smile...

Love can make us beautiful
Love can make us complete
Love can make us successful

There must be true love..
Never give place for hate..
Hatred only destroys but love heals..

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz Lyrics

Hmmmm ... Hmmmm ... Hmmmm ... Hmmm ...

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Still looking up.

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

3 Secrets of Couples Who Stay In Love Forever

One thing we've discovered about love, relationships, marriage
and how to stay in love is...

Great relationships DO NOT happen by accident...

In fact, it's true about not only your relationships, but
everything in life...

A great anything does not happen by accident...

Take couples who "fall in love" and "stay in love" for example...

What we've found is that "falling in love" and "staying in love"
are two different things.

The falling in love is certainly easier than the staying in love,
but for the couples who somehow manage to do both the
question is...

How do they do it?

How do these couples seem to beat the odds and do what
most couples can't seem to do?

There are several ways that couples keep the fires
stoked and burning long after the honeymoon period of the
relationship is over.

We're going to share a few of those secrets with you today...

Secret 1

Couples who stay in love seem to actually talk to each other
differently than couples who are headed for divorce court...

Not only do these couples talk to each other differently, but
they also use different words than the rest of us when they
talk to each other....

They use "magic words" that seem to help open their partner
instead of shut him or her down--

They use words that keep their partner interested instead
of bored--

In any relationship, what we've found is that words can
wound and words can heal.

We've found that the right words truly can make all the
difference between whether you stay in love or your relationship
becomes a divorce or breakup statistic--

That's why we've put together a collection of the best words
you could ever say to your partner if you want to stay in love
or even rebuild a love that's faded over time.

We call these "Magic Relationship Words."

And if you'd like to have our collection of 101 of these
magic words and phrases to help you say it right with your
partner, you can download them here...

Secret #2

Couples who "fall in love" AND "stay in love" over a long
period of time "ditch competition."

We can't tell you how many times we've seen it in our
Relationship Breakthrough Coaching work with couples...

Couples compete with each other about big and small
things (even in playful ways) and sit around in amazement
when the life has been sucked out of their relationship or
marriage and they are left wondering...


The reason is simple:

In our opinion, there is no room for competition in a
relationship between couples who are intimate partners
or married.

If you doubt whether this is true or not...

Try this...

The next time that you and your intimate partner or spouse
have a friendly little competition about anything, when
you are finished, ask yourself one very easy question:

"Do I feel closer and more connected to him or her or do
I feel distant and more disconnected?"

We're willing to bet that you'll feel more disconnected if there
is any kind of competition between the two of you.

Of all the people we have ever worked with personally
and those who have gone through our "Should You Stay
or Should You Go?" program for deciding whether to
stay in or leave a relationship
Not one of these people has ever said to us...

"I feel like we're really on the same team here--we're
splitting up!"

It just doesn't happen.

Here's the Susie and Otto rule for this:

In order to "stay in love," make sure that you and your
partner or spouse ALWAYS play on the same team.

The potential challenges, upsets and heartbreak are
just too great if you don't.

Secret  3

Couples who "fall in love" AND "Stay in Love" remind
themselves and each other regularly about what they like,
love and appreciate about each other.

Just last night, Susie asked Otto...

"What do you most appreciate about me?"

To many people, it may seem kind of silly for a couple who's
been together as long as we've been together to be telling
each other what we appreciate about each other all
the time.

But it works--

Try this with your partner every so often and notice the
difference it makes in your relationship.

Simply say to your partner:

"Something I really appreciate about you is____________"

And then fill in the blank with what you like, love or
appreciate about him or her.

This alone can sometimes work miracles in a
relationship or marriage.

As you may know, we just came out with a brand new
program specifically for women who want to know whether
their man is lying to them or cheating. It's called,
"Where There's Smoke There's Fire: How To Tell If Your Man
Is A Cheating Liar..."

While we were putting together this program, we couldn't
help but think about how much less frequently this would
occur in relationships if both men and women appreciated each
other more.

Please know that we're not naive enough to think that
in all cases simply "appreciating each other more"
will solve all your relationship ills.

We're not suggesting that at all.

What we are saying is that it's been our experience that
when you tell your partner, spouse or lover how much you
like, love and appreciate him or her in specific ways on a
regular basis, --your relationship really sings.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

tq friend

u break my heart  

relationships are like chrystal,
we dont realiza how much we love it..
until one day it breaks

tq very much friends...

we just friend only

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

gelora jiwa...

pandangan dan tanggapan kita pada org lain xsemestinya betul...
mereka ada sebab melakukan sesuatu perkara tue...
pikirlah jika anda berada di tempat mereka...
lagipun itu hak masing2...
jangan terlalu mengamalkan sikap "JUAL IKAN"...

kesabaran seseorang  ada batasnya...
jangan terlampau menekan dan mengasak seseorang...
seseorang yang hanya diam..
dan tidak ambil kisah tentang kelakuanmu...
jangan dicabar ketenangnya....
jangan sampai taufan melanda...
musnah segalanya nanti...
hancur segala yang diimpikan...
 keputusan yang dibuat jangan diragui...
kmu xpernah berada di tempatnya...
betapa susahnya seseorang membuat keputusan...
perlu memikirkan yang mana baik..
perlu menjaga hati kecil orang lain..
dan kadangkala membuat hati kecilnya terluka....
pernahkah kmu terfikir semua ini???

sikap "JUAL IKAN" kmu menyebabkan orang menjadi hipokrit....
 menjadikan segalanya palsu..
dan segala yang dilakukan adalah tanpa rela....

untuk kmu.....
im so sory....
i cant make u hapy....
km layak mendapat ssorng yang lebih baik daripada sy,....
yg blh bt kmu hapy....
im not perfect 4 U....

Saturday, June 30, 2012

itulah kawan

best fwen....
dpt msg dr kwn sy..
my best fwen..
ckp yg dia xda kwn lg...
cuma kwn ketika senang je....
saat sedih dan dia ditimpa musibah,,,
sorg pun xda...

same wif me....
mmg xblh percya langsung....
saat senang je nak dgn kita...
saat ssh...
batang hidung pon xnmpk..
bt xtau je..
bt derrkk,,,,

terkejut sgt bla dia msg cm tue...
xpnh2 dia sedih sampai cm tue skali..
tme kte org call...
dia nangis.....
sy rs bersalah sgt...
xdpt pujuk dia....
im so sorry...

kami berjauhan.....
walaupun lama xjumpa kami salu keep in touch...
best fwen sgt2..
walaupun berjauhan...
kami tetap share mslh...
n kegembiraan yang kami alami.....

dlu berempat....
sekarang tinggal 3...
waalupun kami bertiga masing2 dh ada best fwen baru..
ttp kami org ttp best fwen sampai bila....

saat ssh dan saat senang..

Thursday, June 28, 2012

be yourself

Do what makes U happy...
be with who make you smile...
laugh as much as yo breathe,,,,
love as long u live,....

I will do whatever that can make me hapy...
be friend with the person who make me smile...
that my promise...

this is wat i owez do.....

be honest

think before you do something.....

Monday, June 18, 2012

my mom...

setiap perkara yg berlaku pasti ada hikmah di sebaliknya...
setiap yg terjadi aba baik dan aba buruknya...
segala2 yg terjadi telah diatur...
telah dirancang dari dulu lg...
tragedi 27 Mei...
banyak hikmah di sebaliknya....
sy sedar betapa pentingnya ibu sy dalam kehidupan sy..
betapa peritnya jika kehilangan seorang ibu...
tragedi 27 Mei hampir2 meragut nyawa ibu tercinta...
saat dan waktu tue....
dunia sy seakan gelap....
dalam diri sy..
selamatkh ibu ku???
bagaimanakh kehidupan diri ini tnpa bonda tercinta...
melihat ibu ku di was kecemasan "red zone"
tahap kritikal...
hatiku sayu...
mendengar tangisan ibuku dunia seakan taufan..
ibarat satu panahan pertir bila ibu tercinta ckp
doakan ibu...ibu pasti selamat....
sempat ibuku berpesan kepada adiknya...
jgalah anak anak2 ku....
jgn sesekali menjahati mereka...
anggaplah mereka anak2mu....
saat mendengar raungan kesakitan ibuku...
hati ku hancur berkecai...
xdapat ku bayangkan kalau saat itu ibuku pergi tinggalkan aku...
tuhan maha kaya dan berkuasa....
walaupun tercedera parah...
ibu ku kini selamat...
pembedahan yg dijalani jg berjaya.,...
kini ibuku masih di hospital....
walaupun kesihatannya kadang2 stabil dan kadang2 xstabil..
tp aku yakin....
ibuku seorang yg tabah.....
ibuku pasti boleh melawan segala kesakitan yang dihadapinya...
terima kasih atas  doa kalian semua....
terima kasih kerana prihatin terhadap keluarga sy....

Thursday, May 31, 2012

31 Mei

hr ni hr keempat selepas kejadian tue berlaku..
sedih xterkata..
sayu sgt2..
rs kehilangan yg teramat dalam keluarga kami,....

tragedi 27 Mei 2012...
meragut kebahagiaan keluarga sy...

kemalangan yg berlaku.....
meragut nyawa ank buah sy,,
Gibson Fletcher...
kecederaan teruk di kepala..
menyebabkan dia pergi untuk selama2 nya...

kejadiaan yang paling teruk dlm keluarga sy...
mak sy...
br je sembuh....
pastu kemalangan pla...
sy harap2 mak sy sihat...
xsampai hti sy tgk mak sy dlm keadaan cm tue...

kini mak sy drawat di hospital kuching...
bahu kanan mak sy patah...
kepala mak sy pun cedera...
kaki kiri mak sy pun patah...
17/6 mak sy akan dioperation...
risau sy..
dh lh sy xdpt jga mak sy masa tue...
Tuhan sembuhkn lh mak sy...
sy syg dia sgt2...
sy xnak kehilangan dia.....

dl lh sy bersendirian tme sampai di sni(kuching)
kali ni je sy balik tnpa ada org jemput dan sambut sy kt rmh....
yg ada hanyalah rumah kosong je...
:'( ..

pastu pagi2 sy bgn dpt cll...
family sy accident pla...
sst yg paling sy xdpt terima...

Gawai ni gawai kedua yg xmeriah dalam hidup sy...
last year...uncle sy pegi...
tarikh yg sma jg...
anak buah sy pla...
n mak sy pla msk hsptl...
knpe lh plu terjadi semua ni dlm kehidupan sy....

terima kasih banyak2 kpd semua org yg memberi sokongan kepada kami sekeluarga.....jasa kalian semua amat kami hargai...

Gibson....we all love u.... Lord love u too.....u owez in our memory now n forever..
 My beloved u so strong....God will help u ..

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Silent Love Shy Love

  Luke W.

The word Love,
Love is something we all can enjoy,
It is something we all can share,
Only with that special someone, 
Who we all care about.
But why are we scared of it?
I don't know why,
But if I wasn't,
I would tell you every time, 
Rain or shine,
Every time we're apart I nearly cry,
Because this love inside of me is strong,
There are no boundaries that it can hide,
I want to scream it out,
But I'm too shy, 
So I wait and watch wishing,
That I had the courage to tell you,
How much I feel inside.
This is to that special someone. 
I Love You

Friday, May 18, 2012

Love actually is all around us

Featured Love Quote
loving u is my mistake mr pino..

this is what my heart told me to do...

"Life is too short to hide your feelings. Don’t be afraid to say what you feel."

Yes...I'm in love with U....
its its impossible because...
the other love us so much....
love that i cant deny....
at the same  time....
we love each other.....

Love is like Hope, if we lost Hope than we lost everything, so as love too..

truly i says that

when i first saw you,i was afraid to meet you.
when i met you. i was afraid to like you.
when i liked you, i was afraid to love.
now that i love you, im afraid to loose you.

 Love is like wind, it flows you away with you...
 To love you is what happened automatically and it comes from what I see so what I saw is what I love about you. Be mine please.

Featured Love Quote
i dun want both of u left me alone
I loved you once, 
I love you still, 
I always have and always will.....

1 way, 2 say, 3 words, 4 you, i love you

whatever other says about us....
just remember...
i always love u...
the feeling that naturally comes out...

Trust is the best power in long distance relationship.

Friday, April 6, 2012

hw to mke ur self hapy???

bnyk2 perkara yg ada kt novel yg saya baca...
ada 1 benda yg menarik perhatian saya...

menyampaikan pesanan menggunakan isyarat kertas..
klw org zman sekarag ni..
guna smpn kertas untuk mengorat mmg sgt2 kuno..
tp for me..
ianya sgt romantik..
mcm kisah rmatik Michael Scofield dan Dr Sara Trancedi
dorg guna origami burung..
romantik tau..

ok berbalik  kepada topik asal..
how to make ourself hapy..
1)  smile always
2) share happiness with others
3) keep a child like heart
4) keep a sense of humor
5) wiling help others
6) get on well with different kinds of people
7) forgive other
8) be brave and courageous
9) indulge yourself once in a while
10) don't be a money grubber

so cm mne nak hapykn diri...
senarai di atas sgt membantu....
kita lebih mengetahui siapa diri kita..
kita lebih tahu apa kehendak diri kita..
org lain hnya menyampaikan pandangan mereka thp diri kita..
dari perspektif diri mereka sendiri....
perbaiki diri melalui kritikan dan nasihat yg diberikan....
segala yg mereka katakan ada buruk dan baiknya,...
pandai2lh kita mempertimbangkannya dalam kehidupan kita....

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

pendekatan permainan

super duper hapy...

my mood for 2day...

hr ni...
best sgt...
dpt kembali ke zaman kanak-kanak.....
klw dlm kelas selama 3 jam...
my mood...
fikiran pun melayang2 ow...
teringatkan katil...
tp hr ni..
kelas 3 jam...
subjek yg sama....
tp segar je..
malah hapy lg tue...
lect pun baik....
sporting.....suka wat lawak....
n yg paling penting..
faham kehendak  kami....
i like this lect so much...
credit to lect pra 3102...
puan fauzian.....
hr ni dia bwa kmi ke luar..
kt padang...
laksanakan permainan yg kami dh rancang
sempena topik kami iaitu..
kaedah dan pendekatan permainan...
kumpulan sy bt xtvt permainan kognitif.....
para peserta plu melakukan satu aksi berdasarkan kod yg disebut..
kod harimau perbuatan dia ular.....
kod ular perbuatan dia monyet..
manakala kod monyet perbuatan dia harimau......
paling lucu bila tgk kwn2 tersasul buat..
ada yg buat aksi betul..
tp buat bunyi yg salah..
pemenang dia???
lucu sgt dia bt...
tp respect kt dia...
dia blh bt dgn btl n aksi dia pun sgt lucu.....
yg paling penting dia dapt ingt kod n aksi sekali...
hebat lh lilian......
 (tepukan gemuruh untuk lilian.)

1st xtvt kami bt permainan tongkat ali..
ala2 tuju selipar cm tue..
tp guna kayu....(dibina secara segi 3..)
pas robohkan kayu
iaitu baling dgn kayu...
kami akan berlari dalam bulatan yg dikelilingi
pihak lawan..
yg ni ala2...
bola beracun cm tue..
kumpulan kami menang..
gabungan 2 kumpulan......

pas penat men permainan tongkat ali..
kami pun melaksanakan xtvt bebas iaitu,,,,
kami plu cari 3 benda yg menarik perhatian kami....
dgn syarat bnda tu bkn yg masih hidup..
kita dh mati cm tue lh..
team sy ambik ranting kayu yg cm kyu lastik....
ambik daun kering....n ambik batu....
sebab....daun melambangkan hidupan hijau...

 batu pula.... boleh bt rumah.....
kayu pun sama...
[selepas itu sesuatu yg paling syok....
bina istana idaman....
di mana 2  team combina bina 1 istana...
kami diberi 2 gunting...
1  pita pelekat...
4 kotak n senaskah surat khabar...

dpt main pasir....
dpt bina istana.....
terserlah kreativiti kami..
kerjasama pun sama.....

pastu xtvt group kami..
then xtvt sosiodrama...
yg ni pun ok jg,...
lakonan cinderella...
lucu lh jg tgk kwn2 berlakon...

penat tp menggembirakan.....
memberikan 1 kepuasan bagi kami....
dh lma dh kelas kami xbt xtvt cm tue lg...


i like this disney castle..

mendamaikan lh klw cm ne kn???

castle idaman..hehhe...